Satanic Ritual Abuse
—— What is it?
Chantal Frei
I was just six years old when Satanists decided to turn me into a “Mother of Darkness”. I had just survived massive torture. They therefore considered me strong, clever and intelligent enough to be trained in Illuminati circles.
Today I am an adult woman and have decided to step out of the shadows of my life to formulate my experiences as a survivor of satanic ritual violence and spiritual abuse and to make them available, together with the knowledge and insights I have gained in the meantime. My book, “SPEAKING OUT!”, was written for this purpose. The information in it is by no means complete; I can only pass on what I have experienced and understood myself. The subject of ritual violence, combined with mind control and spiritual abuse, is extremely complex; nevertheless, I would like to contribute to bringing light into this darkness.
Ritual violence
Partial definition by Thorsten Becker and Ulla Fröhlig (2008)
Ritual violence is a serious form of abuse of adults, adolescents and children. The intention is to traumatize the victims. Ritual violence includes physical, sexual and psychological forms of violence that are carried out in a planned and targeted manner as part of ceremonies.
Brief definition by Brigitte Hahn, Diocese of Münster, Germany (2016)
- Planned and systematic
- Sexual, physical and psychological
- violent up to and including killing
- in the context of an ideology or world view.